Specializing In:

  • Ceremonial & journey work such as cord-cutting, soul retrieval, & meeting power animal.

  • The perspective of the medicine wheel, dark night of the soul, and being present with unintegrated aspects of the self.

Nancy was drawn to learning about the medicine wheel and Shamanism because of her own cultural heritage on her maternal side, and because of its emphasis on earth-based spirituality.  The medicine wheel is a symbol of a circle made of 4 directions and 24 stones.  Each direction and stone has a name and a teaching. Nancy finds great richness in the teachings of the medicine wheel.  She loves that it combines the Western emphasis on action and personal power and the Eastern emphasis on surrender and acceptance.  She loves that it respects the masculine and the feminine aspects and reveres the natural world.  She finds it deeply compatible with other forms of spirituality, such as Buddhism and mystical Christianity and does not ever impose her love of the medicine wheel on anyone.  She works with a multitude of client spiritual perspectives, including atheism, traditional Christianity, and disinterest in spirituality.  She loves them all!

Therapeutic work that directly involves spiritual or ceremonial aspects can include the following: Meeting your power animal or other spiritual guides; Learning grounding, earth-based visualization, journeying or meditation; Cord cutting - checking your energy field for cords, which are repetitive, often unconscious negative energy exchanges with other people that drain your energy field, and then cutting these cords; Soul retrieval, which is an ancient way of working with trauma, in which aspects of the soul which split off during traumatic experiences can be identified and retrieved. 

Nancy also loves to teach about the medicine wheel and offers workshops in basic and advanced medicine wheel philosophy, as well as ongoing groups that focus on personal and spiritual growth.